The Iswari Awaken of the Buda Energy bars are healthy, nutritive, satiating, and easy to digest.
Are an ideal snack to:
- the youngers substituting the usual snacks with sugar, gluten, and other preservatives, and they will love the taste
- students and professionals, that want and healthy and energetic snack
- sportsmen that want to boost energy
The Buddha’s Awakening Maca / Vanilla is flavoured with vanilla and lime, enriched with Maca, one energy superaliment with:
- date pulp
- buckwheat
- almond flour
- lucuma
The Buddha’s Awakening of Cocoa has cocoa tasting with lime, one powerful energetic antioxidant with:
- date pulp
- buckwheat
- almond flour
- lucuma
The Buddha’s Awakening of Açaí / Strawberry has orange, banana and strawberry, enriched with açaí, one powerful energetic antioxidant with:
- date pulp
- buckwheat
- almond flour
- lucuma